Chrome Hill, Peak District
3rd January 1999
The walk around Chrome Hill in the White Peak was more of a social
gathering than a serious training weekend. With day sacks and a pic-nic
we set off from Longnor car park on a cold and frosty January morning.
The dragons back
The gathering had brought people from all areas of the country including
friends of friends of the Himalayan Hands team.
A short walk out of the village and we had Chrome Hill
in view. Looking like the back of a dragon or stegosaurus its spiky double
hump rears out of the surrounding landscape before submerging again into some
subterranean depths.
As you get closer you realise that the space between the two humps forms a
natural gateway into a round enclosed valley beyond and a single spire of rock
juts away from one side of the hill to act as a sentry to the gate.
The climb up the dragons back was steep but rapid, and with the sun still low
in the sky the frosted grass took on the glitter of gem stones. Where the sun had
fallen on the grass for some time, the frost had melted away leaving a stark
dividing line of white and green along the dragon back between sunlight and shadow.
Like conquering heroes we crowded around the top of the hill, standing tall in the
clear blue sky above a stark white and green landscape.
Sliding down the spiny ridge and off the tail we moved on and away from Chrome
Hill and headed off across the limestone countryside. Up hill and down dale we
travelled until finally coming to rest for some much needed food in Earl Sterndale.
Earl Sterndale is a village famous (to those of us in the know anyway) for its pub
the Silent Woman and the pork pies it sells. Walkers are always welcome and a good
strong cup of tea can be had just as easily as a pint of bitter.
Sunset in the White Peak
Stuffed full of pork pie we headed off once more skirting the oddly angular hill of
High Wheeldon that could be mistaken for a man made pyramid from one side, and headed off
up the river Dove. Past ancient ruins and forts we travelled through history till with the
day drawing to a close, the sunset began to spread across the evening sky.
Finishing the walk as night fell we arrived back in Longnor after a perfect day. Chrome
Hill now established as one of my favourite walks.
